on the left side of the page is the search bar. Type in "crank puller" and the first listing is the Tusk crank puller/installer tool. Click on that. When that page loads there will be the tusk crank puller/installer tool AND on the right side of the page are the "other items of interest"; the case splitter, clutch holding tool, and a generic flywheel puller tool (you'll have to select the one for a blaster obviously). You will need all 4 items to disassemble and reassemble the bottom end of a blaster engine.
All together they will run about $150 but a dealership will charge you $85 labor/hour and it will take more than 2 hours for them to rebuild a blaster engine. Plus, when you are done with this engine those same tools can be used to disassemble a whole host of dirtbike, motorcycle, and ATV engines.