Transformation Complete

Call me crazy but I think you should have got a new blue hood if thats what you like and jes race cut your old plastic.
nice work shane
now we should expect to see you in july ?????
I like the before ......................

J/K, man she looks great !! I'm really digging the white and blue > : 0 )

Thanks for all the compliments guys. I actually had a blue 03 hood on in but traded it for the white. Wanted all white plastics just havent found a good deal on the tank yet. And yes it is up for sale right now. Awk, unfortunately it is not looking good for that right now. Got some stuff that needs taken care and its probably gonna end up with the Blaster getting sold but if it goes then I am going to hopefully start another project some time down the road. Still have a good bit of left over parts, including a frame, a-arms, swinger, an axle (lol), so I could have a rolling chassis pretty easily.