football alongwith hockey is getting ridiculous. It seems that anytime there is a good hit it is illiegal. When i played hockey if u werent paying attention and had your head down u payed for it. Same thing in football.. These guys are payed to play, and have the experience to know that they deserve to be hit if they are running around throwing pixy dust instead oof paying attention. If u ask any player in either leughe, nfl. or nhl about the new rule changes when it comes to hits, they will likely say how much they hate it. It isnt a players game anymore, its all run by corporate sponsors and big wig sky box pigeons.
in short, Bog bens got nothing on old school athletes, but i guess for this time he is doing ok, still hate him though
in short, Bog bens got nothing on old school athletes, but i guess for this time he is doing ok, still hate him though