Tors question

Green acres

Jan 11, 2010
St. Louis
I've been hearing of people removing the tors system on there bikes but I'm not sure what the advantages of doing that are could someone please explain.
Ok the T.O.R.S. is a throttle over ride system that will shut the motor down if the throttle gets stuck wide open. The system is junk and usually only causes problems. The advantages of removing it is that it is a useless problem causing system that you dont need.
i was looking at my bike its a 05 and the tors box thats supposed to be under the hood i dont see it is it in a different place on the 05
I am not sure on the 05s I have an 89 but I know differant years have differant set ups. I think the 03-06 are the same. You can PM Blasterdude27 he has a newer Blaster and has his T.O.R.S. removed.