Top End Rebuild question??


New Member
Apr 9, 2009
Ok So I just picked up my top end from the place that bored/honed it for me. The top end is now 80 over. I asked the guy what jetting he recommended for me. As far as I know the bike is stock other then the rebuild and the Pro Circuit exhaust I have on there.
He told me to put in a 260 main jet. Does that sound right? Ive read over the jetting material and just wanna make sure. I have never rebuilt or had an engine rebuilt before.
Is there anything else I should do to it before I put it back together?
Is there any other info you guys need to help me out? I dont know what jetting is in it right now but will hopefully be able to check shortly.
Thanks for all your help in advance.

i woudl recomend using some high heat gasket sealent on that top end gasket for jetting im not sure but gasket sealent only prevents leaks :)
There is no need for anything on the gaskets, just use new ones.

If the bike ran before the rebuild, then the jetting should be fine. If you keep everything the same and you have ran it at the same temperature, it should be close.
i'd bump that main up one or two, and do a good plug chop session after breaking it in proprerly<<< search for "how to break in a 2 stroke", <<<must be done
and always warm it up completely before every ride!!
There is no need for anything on the gaskets, just use new ones.

If the bike ran before the rebuild, then the jetting should be fine. If you keep everything the same and you have ran it at the same temperature, it should be close.

maybe it blew because it wasnt jetted right hmmmmm just a thought
To be honest with you if you guys remember the rebuild thread I did I dont know what the guy did before me. I bought it used for $300 bucks with the blown top end. It had been sitting for about a year he told me. I gotta tear the carb apart to see if hes jetted it or not. I got a new gasket kit. Its a Cometic brand.
I already read the Break in thread.
I saw the plug chop thread but didnt read it yet but deff will.

Thanks for the info and quick replies...

You got the good gaskets..

Cometic are the only gaskets I use.....

Just go easy putting the head gasket on it can get caught up cause of the 3 layers the cometic head gasket has.. And put the head gasket on the right way!!!!
Yeah I was told about torquing the bolts to spec and all that already. Deff gonna do that.

Thanks for all the info...if anyone else has anything else to add please do so...
Thanks again guys...Ill let you guys know what happens. I still gotta get a few things.
reed cage
carb rebuild kit
jet kit