To low?


New Member
Oct 21, 2012
Just bolted up my knuckles and the quad seems lower is it to low and if so how can I adjust the shocks to give it more height
adjusting shocks does not raise/lower it, only different length shock will.
whats the measurement from ground to bottom of the frame ?
what length shocks and what a-arms ?
the backend looks low too ?
Idk All I kno is that the a arms are +3 up 1's and the shocks arnt long travel but with my old arms the front didn't sit that low...... Help???
Idk All I kno is that the a arms are +3 up 1's and the shocks arnt long travel but with my old arms the front didn't sit that low...... Help???

get me that floor to frame measurement right below the front bumper, see if it rings a bell, i tried LT arms with stock length shocks.....:o
ended up welding higher mounts on top of the LT mounts

usually + swingers add height, but that looks stock or lower in the rear, what shock, what swinger ? if homemade ? was the mount moved ?
But just stiffening up the shock work I think the front just is sprawled out more because of the added width they sag a little bit more I think how do I stiffin them so they don't sag as much
It's got works nitrogen rear shocks also it just kinda says more than anything and I can't get the measurement now I'm not at work
adjust sag by tightening the spring, on works shocks, which they appear to be, a spring compressor should be used to lower the big c-clip down the shock body grooves.

there's a big c-clip under that top spring retainer, look closely you'll see it down in there.
Are you talking about the fronts or the backs or both?

fronts use the big c-clip and need compressed to move it
rears use 2 locking nuts that can be threaded down to increase sag height.
It very well could be I have no idea I didn't put the swing arm on nor do I kno the brand ...that kinda pisses me off but I just need to get less sag so ur saying compress the ring or let the ring out on the rear awk? And what about the fronts
yep, typical works front shock sag adjustment, need a spring compressor, theres a big c-clip under that top aluminum spring retainer, move the clip down the grooves to tighten sag

for the rear, loosen the top locking nut, lefty loosey, then run the bottom locknut down to tighten sag, run top one down to lock it in place
Looks to me that the back is pretty low compared to normal. My guess is that the swinger you have has the shock mount farther back than the size show you have in the back. As for the front, your swing arms may have the same problem, the mounts on front look too low for the shocks you have mounted at the moment.
here's pics of mine with stock length shocks on LT arms for 16-3/4" shocks ....


i had 7" ground clearence...unacceptable !

i welded on higher mounts and now have 9-1/2" front and rear.

I wish I had more money... I would buy another blaster and make one real niiicee... And the other one with the better motor but make it looks cheap... then race people and KICK THEIR ASSES!

cough... i mean uh.. Well i mean that :)

Most people have two... and they both look good too