tight cluch and twist thrttle


New Member
Feb 21, 2010
Im a new blaster owner with 2 Q's. I have drove bikes befor with cluches and dont remember being so tight, the cluch on my blaster seems realy hard to pull in. Is that normal or is ther a way to loosen it? And anouther thing is it came with a twsit throttle wich i dont like becaus i grew up on thumb throtle. The original thumb lever came with. should i put it back on or leav the twist on. What advantage is ther to a twist throtle over a thumb or is it just personal prefrance? thank you
For the clutch cable it might be time for a new one or oil it and see if it gets better or it could be routed wrong. Also does the clutch slip at all or perform badly or is it just the cable.

As for the twist throttle it comes down to personal prefferance. I grew up on dirtbikes and preffer twists on my quads. But it does take getting used to on a quad. Most guys like the thumb throttle better.
my buddies with bikes all have hydro clutches and always biotch about my stiff clutch, try pulling the cable and running some pb blaster down thru it while working it in and out, till it runs clean, then some oil till it comes out the other end, and also pull the lever and clean where it rubs the perch, then grease it there, that should help some, but they're notoriously stiff
havent try'd an easy pull clutch perch and handle yet, but that may help
and the only advantage to the twist throttle is your gonna hit it at the wrong time, wheels in the air, or in a tight turn and crash for sure, put the thumb back on and sell the twist throttle to some nitwit on here that likes a dangerous set-up
GRIP IT AND RIP IT , Twist throttle for life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! use wd-40 on the twist throttle , or some 30w oil , even pull the cable off and buy a new one they are only 15 bucks on ebay