thinking about buying a blaster


New Member
Dec 15, 2009
York PA
so im getting atvs and i noticed that blasters are everywhere. My question is i want an atv to go trail ride up in the mountains go mudding and ride in the snow. So will the blaster be able to do this. or would i be better off getting a 4 stoke quad. also how long will the topends last i dont want to be having to replace them all the time.
thanks in advance
a blaster is a good all around quad. The smaller size makes them good for trails. A top end can last along time as long as proper maintenance is performed.
blasterz are nice, not shure how it will do in the mountain, but they kick the crap out of hills if they're slightly modded, and top ends last quite a while, people say you have to rebuild them all the time but you don't, they are fast good trail quads and have pretty good power, they are very modifiab;e and plus, if you blow it up, it won't cost you as much as a 4 poke does to rebuild, get one man, trust me you will love it nd you will aslo get addicted to this forum.
03 is right, blasters are good for just about anything and are tough as nails.... they are very very moddable. if you were going to do mud/ mountain/ snow, you should look into some new tires, razrs, holeshots, yada yada lotsa good tires for a blaster... top ends last for a few years if ya do proper maitenance like stated earlier.....
A lot of people think that 2 strokes brake a lot but they really are strong. Yeah they do break but is not hard at all to rebuild them and it's not costly. Blasters are very good overall atvs. Yeah there not going to be as good as a 4x4 atv in mud and snow. But they will still be fun. I don't have the best tires on mine but it still does just fine in the snow and mud.
how about mixing the gas if it has the oil injection block out. i had a 2 stroke before but i dont remember how to do it
snow is no problem for a blaster as long as your not on 18's youll be fine.. mixing gas is easy buy the little cup with the mesurments easy most common ratio is 32:1 my blaster lasted 2 years on a rebuild then i sold it wish i didnt now
if they still have the oil injection hooked up does it work well? so now i just got to find someone to buy my 2 honda 50s
i think if you going to ride up in the mountains and go mudding and such i think a 4x4 or even a polaris scrambler......just a thought
I had a blaster and I liked it but didn't trail ride very good, front stock suspention would throw me all over the place. It wouldn't go through water over the front tires and about 6 inches of fresh powder snow was the max amount it would do. I bought a 2003 polaris trail boss its will do a foot of snow pretty easy, thats the only thing I have drove it in so far, oh yea I crossed a creek with about 5" of mud on the bottom and about 3" of water on top and it did it really easy. It will hop over snow cover logs easy and just for everybody info. its not a dog my hauls the mail. The nice thing about it is it can haul 850lbs. Just thought I would throw my opinion out for you.
that does sound nice...

There are endless possibilities with a blaster check out project blasters website and look at the race pics.There are so many mods for it. Plus its a 2 stroke and will keep you smiling.:D And did i forget to mention that repairs are cheap.
all around great quads, you sound like you want somthing more along te lines of a utility, whats your budget...if the blasters a steal and you know it runs you shouldnt be dissapointed....they tend to bog out in deep water and dont let mud cake up on top of the head fins