the infamous powerband!!!!!


New Member
Jan 3, 2009
northern nj
While i was at the local shop today i saw they had a bunch of new powerbands in stock.;);) i figured i would post a pic so everyone could see what they look like. this one might seem a little different than the colored ones most of us run cause they were out of yamaha bands this is out of a honda i believe

LOL yall are stupid! do you know what this does to people that don know nothing bout a 2 stroke they will take that pic somewhere and tell them they need them. when they find out what it is they are looking at in that pic and will feel stupid, very stupid. and you'll be sitting laughing at the post they make. yall are wrong!! hilarious but wrong.
LOL yall are stupid! do you know what this does to people that don know nothing bout a 2 stroke they will take that pic somewhere and tell them they need them. when they find out what it is they are looking at in that pic and will feel stupid, very stupid. and you'll be sitting laughing at the post they make. yall are wrong!! hilarious but wrong.
We actually had that happen a few months back! OMG it was hillarious
hey wheelspinner are you sure thats not a banshee powerband cause the powerband i pulled out of my blaster wasnt that big then again maybe thats why my blaster isnt so quick i need a bigger band lol
lol i believe it cuz when i was a kid(11-12)on my yz 80... it run like sh*t for a while and wouldn hit the powerbands. so a started asking around and someone told me they were either broken or dirty and needs cleaned. well it ended up being bad gas i guess cuz i put new in and it cleared up.
That is obviously a metric powerband , but has left hand strands , and the velocity port toward the back is cast not machined , looks cheap , I'd spend no more than 65 bucks on it shipped
LOL yall are stupid! do you know what this does to people that don know nothing bout a 2 stroke they will take that pic somewhere and tell them they need them. when they find out what it is they are looking at in that pic and will feel stupid, very stupid. and you'll be sitting laughing at the post they make. yall are wrong!! hilarious but wrong.

Thats why it's so funny...:D
sh*t u gotta get the titanium powerband.. its the best they make an itll last u atleast 5 drags down the track... well the best ive gotten tho is 4... thats just what all the websites say about it... i think there wrong. i even blew my top end once an the blaster is still sitin in about a million peices :( i through the rod through the bet an left side case