only thing missing will be a real machine.a
Only thing missing will be a real machine.A
What the hell is orly?? Must mean you want it in your mouth orally.Wrong forum for that bud.Eithwer way I will leave a mushroom stamp across either cheek if thats what you prefer.
What the hell is orly?? Must mean you want it in your mouth orally.Wrong forum for that bud.Eithwer way I will leave a mushroom stamp across either cheek if thats what you prefer.
You say about the gayest sh*t. It seems you love sticking your dick in another guys mouth way too much. I might as well be arguing with someone who is gay IRL. Who knows you might be. And you should probly go look up something using google before you ask a stupid question, what does it sound like? Come on you can do it... say it out loud. ORLY. If you cant figure it out i deem you retarded, seriously.
^^FAG!! hahahahahahaha