the 4 pokes are playing today

What the hell is orly?? Must mean you want it in your mouth orally.Wrong forum for that bud.Eithwer way I will leave a mushroom stamp across either cheek if thats what you prefer.


Dales definitely are sweet. I wanted to get a blown up one and put a 250 2 stroke motor in it but plans changed and I ended up with a diesel truck. Still a sweet toy either way.
What the hell is orly?? Must mean you want it in your mouth orally.Wrong forum for that bud.Eithwer way I will leave a mushroom stamp across either cheek if thats what you prefer.

You say about the gayest sh*t. It seems you love sticking your dick in another guys mouth way too much. I might as well be arguing with someone who is gay IRL. Who knows you might be. And you should probly go look up something using google before you ask a stupid question, what does it sound like? Come on you can do it... say it out loud. ORLY. If you cant figure it out i deem you retarded, seriously.
You say about the gayest sh*t. It seems you love sticking your dick in another guys mouth way too much. I might as well be arguing with someone who is gay IRL. Who knows you might be. And you should probly go look up something using google before you ask a stupid question, what does it sound like? Come on you can do it... say it out loud. ORLY. If you cant figure it out i deem you retarded, seriously.

chill dude .
Those 3 letters killed you to type it sh*t for brains.I just like to pick on you cause you are a deadbeat loser.Thats all.If you don't like it don't respond dink weed.
LOL, im not talking about getting my dick sucked my guys so i figure you are talking about dual stroke. And once again if you have any problems with me send it in a PM or make another thread, stop jacking this poor guys thread
what he said y cant we jsu tall get along cause this forum i hate to say it is turning into all the other forums i stopped going to cause there all ASSHOLES an CANT GET ALONG. if thats how its gonna b here i might never come back. ya i know u guys dont know who i am or anyhitng but take that sh*t somewhere else. maybe they should create a forum just for ASSHOLES.

sorry guys thats how these threads make me feel.