Taking paint off


New Member
Jan 9, 2012
harrisburg, pennsylvania
I have my whole quad torn apart right now. The previous owner painted everything with it together. The head of every bolt,nut and washer has pretty thick paint on it. How can I get this off. I don't want to try to sand the paint off every bolt. I just want them to look back to factory with no paint. I painted a few of them and when I tightened them the paint scratched right off and they look like crap. What can I soak them in that will take the paint off with little to no extra work?
I have my whole quad torn apart right now. The previous owner painted everything with it together. The head of every bolt,nut and washer has pretty thick paint on it. How can I get this off. I don't want to try to sand the paint off every bolt. I just want them to look back to factory with no paint. I painted a few of them and when I tightened them the paint scratched right off and they look like crap. What can I soak them in that will take the paint off with little to no extra work?

You could boil all of them in a pot of Anti-Freeze overnight, it's an old trick, but it works.

But do it outside because the fumes will kill you, and don't use the pot for cooking again.
OK thanks for all the suggestions. I'm gonna try the acetone or laquer thinner first and see how that works otherwise ill try the zip off or tail stripII and the last resort will probably be the boiling antifreeze.
also you can boil it in water with a little bit of baking soda and the paint wil rub off probably safer than boiling anti freeze
i had parts soaking in stuff last night. i had some soaking in gas,engine degreaser,brake fluid and brake cleaner. gas worked the best and after i took the parts out of it i just rinsed them off and the paint was gone brake fluid and brake cleaner also worked really well. they were a little more work to get the paint off but its hard to soak parts in the brake cleaner since its a spray. i put the rest of the parts in gas and ill let them soak overnight to get the paint off. then i just need to worry about getting some of the grease off that the gas didnt take off. will any of these boiling methods or the other products stated take grease off? after the gas ill try soaking them in engine degreaser and see how that works if there arent any other suggestions.thinking back i should have soaked my frame in gas somehow. it would have been a lot quicker and easier than hand sanding. Live and Learn i guess