Supercross live on Speed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

been watching it.... my son went nuts when iturned it on.. he yells '''' OHHHH MY GOOOD!!!! DIIRRTT BIKESSS!!

LOL...sounds like my boy. runs around the house all day making dirtbike sounds and pretending to do wheelies. then tell me to help him get cleaned up cuz hes muddy...
LOL...sounds like my boy. runs around the house all day making dirtbike sounds and pretending to do wheelies. then tell me to help him get cleaned up cuz hes muddy...

hahaha... my little guy has 2 polaris sportsman toy quads, a black and green scrambler, and he had a wicked predator lookin one on paddles, full suspension... he broke it doing 'back fips' yes fips thats what he says... his little toy dirt bike make 2 stroke sounds tell he kiled the battery in it...
hahaha... my little guy has 2 polaris sportsman toy quads, a black and green scrambler, and he had a wicked predator lookin one on paddles, full suspension... he broke it doing 'back fips' yes fips thats what he says... his little toy dirt bike make 2 stroke sounds tell he kiled the battery in it...

Thats hilarious. Mine had a raptor 660r toy and he broke his doin jumps off the couch. It had full working suspension and stuff. not anymore tho...LOL