Super Bowl picks?

Racer X

New Member
Jan 10, 2009
Seeing as it is less then a week away now i figured id make a thread and see who everyone thought was going to win Sunday. Doesnt matter if your teams there or not just make a pick and why you think theyll win and you can even talk about your favorite team. Im still a newb on the site so not sure of everyone's sports teams. Know jlsparky prolly isnt a Lions fan and i doubt lokisbuddy is either and i know XXX Moto Racer and his wife are Steeler fans. what about the rest of you? me myself i go with the old addage defense wins football games. Pitt 24 Ariz 14. and no im not a Steeler fan but i do respect the organization. i like Miami and New England (more Brady) myself what about the rest of you?
id like nothing more than to see the cards lay it on pit!! Im a bengal fan if that says anything! lol, but i have alot of respect for pit, its a very strong organization and i think it will stay that way for a few more years! unfort. for cincy and baltimore!
well stephen got it right so far the rest of you are still reading fairy tales and dreaming lol. i honestly cant wait to see Warner trying to figure out where Fitzgerald is with Harrison and the rest of the d-line up his ass and crazy ass Polamalu and his hair runnin around taking people out everywhere I:I