sunk my blasty today anything i need to do?


New Member
Sep 7, 2008
missiouri (booteheel)
i was riden today and didnt make it accrost a creek it was all the way over the moter but wasnt like that too long only i say 30 sec to a min but i did find out a blasty will float but when i floated it outa the creek it wouldnt start and i pulled the plug and kicked it over a couple times and fliped it backwards and let some gas drain outa the carb incase any water was in there and still nothen happend and gota ride home after waiten in the dark woods for like 30 min for a rope and it wont stay runing i think its just a fouled plug but is there anything else i need to to do since it was undere the water? thanks and it all happend becouse my carb boot dosnt fit on there
Hopefully your intake and exhaust were above the level of the water. If so, then you probably got water into your stator. Pull the left engine cover off and dry the stator and flyweel off real well (compressed air if available) the rust and corrosion will destroy them if you don't. You will also want to change your transmission fluid as it likely got water in it too.
I've been told that silicone can repel water...but then again so can dye-electric-grease. When I ride water, (I'll probably get laughed at for this) I check the depth...Always keep your plug above water, as well as your intake and exhaust.
Change the gearbox oil because it probably has water in it. With submerged outboards, the secret is to get them running ASAP to dry them out and get the engine internals coated in oil. The same applies to any submerged engine. Try and get it running ASAP before the rust starts to develop. Once it gets rusty, you are in trouble.

Good luck
ok well the oil in the gears is good no water but in the cylender theres milky oil up there im gessing from the gas but i pulled the head off and wiped it off of there and the pisten and i put it on and it keeps fouling the plug with the wite stuff where is this coming from
i would say try and dump some gas down into the head and kick it over and keep swaping plugs out till she runs thats what i did when she sucked up water but it wasnt milky,
yea but is the gaskit under the cylnder coper too cus ive been reusing my top one since i take it off a lot and ill end up puting a new gaskits on the top end soon anyway

nahh the base head gasket isnt copper just a normal gasket, you can get a top end gasket kit for like 20bucks on ebay comes with ever thing you need to do your top end gaskets ..
yea but i dont wana put one on 10 times till i get this fixed ya kno but how much gas do i need to put in there

yea true but if you clean it out and she runs then you wont need to do it 10times lol .. hard to say how much you will need just try dumping some to get it fired up and if you get it runnig just let it idle for a wile or till the plug loads up ..