some cops need to get a life. So a few weeks ago we had the most snow in 18 years in the uk, and the road that i live on is only little and was covered in quite deep snow, infact you couldn't even tell it was a road lol. Anyway so me and a few mates had to go play on the quads as we never get snow here :( so we were driving in the fields and on the roads and we were going slow on the road and we helped people who were stuck in their cars, and we then saw a cop in his car stuck and half in a hedge lol. So we stopped and pulled his car out and then he said if we don't stop and push our quads home he would impound them and crush them.

anyway we all hopped back on and hauled ass, we then were on our way back to mine to get a hot drink and some food and guess what the cop had got stuck again, so we roosted snow all over his car and flew off lol.
i hate cops when i was 9 i was riding my old honda 125 quad through some apartments and the chain had broke some mexican called the cops and they came and one of them said to push it home then idk what rank but someone higher on there force told them to tow it away and the other cop said this is private property we cant tow it and that other ahole had them tow it still and never seen it again after that. cop was a dick i was 9 and took my only fun.