
And I was wondering how I could go about running it in my room before I get it in my car?

Thats a tough one... You need a 12v high amperage dc converter from the wall <- Good luck finding that lol

Giz hooked his up with an old computers power supply, but you need to know what ur doing to hook up those wires <- And its a low power supply, bad sounding because it cuts out when you need a bigger boom I:I

Quadrider10, i think hes talking of the car amp and car sub and all that...
Thats a tough one... You need a 12v high amperage dc converter from the wall <- Good luck finding that lol

Giz hooked his up with an old computers power supply, but you need to know what ur doing to hook up those wires <- And its a low power supply, bad sounding because it cuts out when you need a bigger boom I:I

wrong-ser! you do not need high amout of amps. but you do need a high amout of watts. and a regular computer PSU will do the trick. youi can find computer PSU's up to about 2000w which is 15x more then you need. for a 1000w amp or so, you only need like a 500w PSU.
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yeah i had mine all hooked up in my room, i think part of my problem they sounded bad was because i was too cheap to get some more hook-up wire so i had this little tiny stuff running in there instead of what should be there
If you want watts, you need Amps.

Investigate Ohms law. ? x ? = Power (Watts), tell me what you find.

On heavy bass passages you require substantial current without potential loss.

If the Amperage is not available due to meagre wiring, or lack of capacitive storage the sine wave will flat top causing destruction of speakers from overheating of the voice coils.

Speakers do not like DC current!
There is alot of stuff u can use like laptop power cords ps2 cords as long as their 12v anything will work wire don't do alot whole lot like gauge of wires unless your running major watts which amps for vehicles and subwoofers for vehicles will never sound really good in a house because they are not made for it volume of the boxes and such that's why a 8" speaker sounds better than 2 12" subs In a house its all about specs of the box you have them in if you want an amp for your house without spending hundreds of dollars find you an old receiver like old pioneer or jvc or something and you can make amps for your house pretty easy and the old receiver u can find for 10-20 bucks
If you want to know a very easy way to run it in your house for now let me know takes about 2 minutes to do and won't cost you a thing I could even show you how real quick with my system out of my car
What speaker do u have a I run a 10" solo baric with a 3000 watt amp and it handles it like a champ which is a good speaker but
If its one of those really cheap ones from WalMart take it back and save your money they will blow with any kind of power and will never be loud if its one of he pioneer or Sony they will handle 1200 watt amp all day even if you bridge it but u will also need he correct box specs if not they can also blow a sub really quick let me know what amp your looking at and what speaker it is like the brand and model number and what kind of box your making and what vehicle you are wanting to put it in and I will get it where it sounds good I will give you a step by step
If its one of those really cheap ones from WalMart take it back and save your money they will blow with any kind of power and will never be loud if its one of he pioneer or Sony they will handle 1200 watt amp all day even if you bridge it but u will also need he correct box specs if not they can also blow a sub really quick let me know what amp your looking at and what speaker it is like the brand and model number and what kind of box your making and what vehicle you are wanting to put it in and I will get it where it sounds good I will give you a step by step

Duel SD12 the amp on thread 2. And I was Gona run a box with 1 cubic foot of volume in an suv.
I would take it back bro and get one of the pioneers or sonys or WalMart sells kickers now that duel your never gonna get anything out of it box is everything for an suv and if you are gonna put it in a suv it needs to be ported or ur just gonna get alot of rattle the pioneers or Sony explodes only run about 60-80 bucks a piece I will give you a box plan that will hit very hard with one of those
I got another question, why run an amp with 1100watts if the speaker is only 500? Won't I blow it?

The 500w on your sub is the peak, meaning thats the highest it can go before blowing. the 175 RMS (or w/e u said it was) Is the amount you can run it for hours on with no problems.

The 1100w amp is a two channel, meaning 2 subs... So peak would be 550w and the rms would be about 150-200w. You could run the 1100 without bridging it, if you bridged it... Say byebye to your sub lolI:II:I
i have a friend who just to be stupid with a old sub, stuck the wires in the wall (110 volt) and literally shot the sub right out of the coil and everything.
With anything bigger than a 600 watt amp will blow that duel I know it sux not having money to be able to spend on subs but it will be worth it to save some money and buy some good ones u can get them off the net for cheap and get some good subs I've blown so many of those duels look at some völfenhag brand they are awesome and not expensive at all and the will make your suv pretty loud