stupid four wheeler............


New Member
May 7, 2009
alright so i bought another blaster off a guy he had the motor rebuilt and it only had 2 hours on it i get it home and it won't i mess with the idle screw i had it in every place nothing worked i take the carb apart clean it. and does nothing and then one day i was driving it and the idiot i bought it off of appears to not of had a washer on my drain plug and it fell out while i was driving so i get a new plug fill it with oil and now the clutch won't work right whenever i pull the clutch in it doesnt disengage the motor completely i a adjusted the clutch cable that didnt work and now it won't start but the reeds are fine the carb is fine i have right fuel mix and its not locked up + the piston looks fine so does the skirt i need help......
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whoa whoa man.... first off you adjust the idle with the "idle screw" under the seat(towards the carb) NOT the air/fuel. And second what knid of oil did you put in it?? It HAS to be for wet clutches or it messes up the clutch.

any apdataes?
Your idle problem, could be that the screw that sits inside the idle box"tors box" is broken, open it up and check.

open up your clutch and check that your push rod bearing is not melted to the push rod and check how your friction plates look like in the clutch.