stuck throttle . . .


New Member
Jun 9, 2009
went ridin today, 15 mins into our ride the throttle stuck. kill switch,,n key switch wouldnt kill. hanked the fuel line off to kill it. could the tors unit cause this? what else?
thought they all had tors? why would crank seals make it rev? shouldnt effect the carb/fuel at all. if the cable broke shouldnt it still return to idle position?
dude thats bull sh*t it wouldnt keep running if u pulled the spark plug there would be no spark to lite the gas and keep it running

Once it gets to a certain temprature it runs off compression + heat. Turns into a disel, no need for spark plug.
edit: sorry forgot to mention, this doesnt always happen. i should have said it does this when it goes lean, ie: air leak.

check intake and other seals including the base gasket and crank seals.
Once it gets to a certain temprature it runs off compression + heat. Turns into a disel, no need for spark plug.
edit: sorry forgot to mention, this doesnt always happen. i should have said it does this when it goes lean, ie: air leak.

check intake and other seals including the base gasket and crank seals.

OH relly!! wow professor 89 to teach me thanks!!
how do i check crank seals? i just put the spacer n reeds in came with new gaskets. but ive rode it once since then. i did drill 6 1" holes for uni vents n back the screw out 2 turns. but some of you run with no lid!
forgot to mention 2 strokes only. actualy, dont quote me on that, ive just never heard of a 4 stroke do it.

4 Strokes can diesel too. But they gotta be really hot.

Take the stator side cover off. If the seal is bad on that side that is where its getting the extra air from. If it is indeed bad a bunch of pieces will fall out. Also check to make sure your intake manifold (carb to head boot) isnt ripped as well.
throttle cable is bad. gotta order a new one. when u turn the handlebars to full side it revs on its on. we did remove the tors as well.