I'm starting to tear into my project Blaster. Summary: No history, won't start, has spark, low compression (60 psi). It was kicking over fine, however, I noticed that it seemed to lock up all of a sudden. Kick starter kind of froze. I put it in gear and gently rocked it free. It later, once it was free it made a strange noise last lasted on one or two revolutions of the crank. Hard to describe the noise, almost like a growling type of noise from within the crankcase. I haven't heard it again. So far I've got the jug removed. Every thing appears to be moving smoothly. I have about a 1/16" side to side play, but from what I've read doesn't appear to be much of a concern, no play up and down. I'll take some measurements tommorrow on the rest.
Is there anything I can check into regarding the lock up or the strange noise when kicking over the crank? any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
Is there anything I can check into regarding the lock up or the strange noise when kicking over the crank? any thoughts? Thanks in advance.