Straight Gas in Engine


New Member
Jun 19, 2020
I let my family borrow my blaster while I was working and they put straight gas into the engine. I bought a new spark plug today & switched them out , drained the gas and put the right ratio in & it only starts for maybe 5 seconds and then dies out again. And once i tried it again, it stayed on longer but it would rev up by itself. What else should I do? Or is the whole piston/rings f*cked ??
i'd take the spark plug out and kick the piss out of it. Until it's as dry as it is going to get. After that my go to is to start it and keep the rpms down by holding your hand over the intake to almost completely restrict air. At that point run some mix through it and assess the damage. But I wouldn't expect anything too drastic, these motors can take a beating.
I let my family borrow my blaster while I was working and they put straight gas into the engine. I bought a new spark plug today & switched them out , drained the gas and put the right ratio in & it only starts for maybe 5 seconds and then dies out again. And once i tried it again, it stayed on longer but it would rev up by itself. What else should I do? Or is the whole piston/rings f*cked ??
Revving up by itself sounds like an air leak.
Depending on how long they ran might be screwed. If your oil injection us still hooked up and functional and has oul in it.. Then the strait gas is not a problem.Compression test and leakdown test it if possible
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