Stolen YFZ 450


New Member
Aug 18, 2007
So today I heard a fourstroke driving around my neighbors yard, and it appeared to be a raptor, or a yfz(it was moving around and I couldn't get that clear of a view of it) so i called him over (saw it was a yfz that looked exactly like my freinds) and questioned him, he lied and said a friend dropped it off, and I became suspicious so knowing that the owners were looking for it I kept him at my house. 5 minutes later I hear someone yelling "THERE IT IS THERE IT IS" and 3 guys show up at my garage in like 10 seconds and one of em is my friend and the other 2 were much bigger so instantly I said to my freind it wasn't me, and then im like DUDE you should have called telling me it was stolen! well he called the cops and said we had it, we read the VIN number and it was his so after 2 minutes we hear the cops coming and within 20 seconds they arrive and immediately handcuff the little sh*tbag. After giving some names and the cop verified the vin number we got it safely into the bed of the owner's truck. Cops drove the kid to his house and now they are there discussing whats going to happen. He is 17, just got out of prison for 2 months and was sent to boot camp so he just got out of prison boot camp.
so there is my story in helping my friend get is 9k quad back :-D
well he is one of the lucky few people that do get them back, im glad to hear that someone got their toy back, tell him to lock it up next time.
It was locked up, the kid busted the lock while my freind was at work and stole it, my friend came home to having his quad stolen (and he is night shift). I know he locks it because when I was at his house it was locked while he was home... He is now getting it insured.
glad they got the fker.... sh*t wouldnt have went down like that if it was my quad, ida beat the hell outta the dude, than threw some dirt on the quad, rut up the grass to make it look likehe crashed
Thats awesome that you just called him a sh*t bag! That is my favorite word to call criminals! LOL! Glad to hear that you got your friends quad back! I would have forcibly detained him till the cops got there! :)
Did your friend or the cops think that it was you at all?That woulda sucked if they mistakenly thought you stole it since it was in your garage.That's awesome that he got his quad back though.
no no no it was not IN my garage it was in the open next to it, and at first they thought i stole it but I told my friend over and over that It was not me, I have my little blasty, and i believe in a thing called working and earning what I want/got. No the sh*tbag confessed and when the cops got there we were all like pointing at the kid and said he admitted it, take him away, it gets better... they cuffed him on MY car LOL!! I couldnt find my camera or i woulda gotten pictures!
just remeber that most insurance companys just cover the STOCK quad. no aftermarket.

Note: Its just a VIN, not a VIN Number. VIN= Vehicle Iditifcation Number.

Glad you he got it back.
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glad they got the fker.... sh*t wouldnt have went down like that if it was my quad, ida beat the hell outta the dude, than threw some dirt on the quad, rut up the grass to make it look likehe crashed

This is exactly what I was thinking! The bike would've laid on it's side when the cops there. Blood on the fenders, face all busted up, helmet laying over on the kids front porch, contusions, fingers shattered.

Anyway, it's always nice to get toys back.

A few years back I had a friend that worked part time at the local state park. He waited until he was scheduled to work 2nd shift and loaded up the 3 year old Polaris Diesel on his sisters truck. It took about 4 months but they finally proved who, what, when, and where. Never could figure out why. His siter lost her truck in the comission of a federal crime, he's branded with 2 felony charges, countless trespassing charges which is a big no, no around here on state parks. What a mess that was. Don't know why I told that story.
no no no it was not IN my garage it was in the open next to it, and at first they thought i stole it but I told my friend over and over that It was not me, I have my little blasty, and i believe in a thing called working and earning what I want/got. No the sh*tbag confessed and when the cops got there we were all like pointing at the kid and said he admitted it, take him away, it gets better... they cuffed him on MY car LOL!! I couldnt find my camera or i woulda gotten pictures!
That's cool.........
what i dont get is how u stopped this supposebly crazy guy. how did u get him to just stay there at your house first of all with the quad, secondly, without him running