Stolen Banshee.

damn thats friend got a blaster and had it a week before it was stolen and never found it.he then sold his trx250x to one of his friends and his friend had it 2 days and that got stolen but the cops recovered that and he got the trx back
in this case this is almost when u hope to find them before the cops do so that way u can work them over a good one. then u will not even need the cops. that sucks ass i hope u find it and them i know if my shee or blaster got stolen and i found them they would be hopen the cops hade found them first.. good luck man if u find them ball bat them one time for all of us.
u know i don't get this crap, its like these retards think they deserve the wuad more than u and can't work jyust like a normal person to get a qud, they need some seriouse help, i mean jesus christ!!!! what is peoples problems nowadays that they think that they can just walk around and do anything and no one will care, i hope this dude gets shot, seriously, what the heck is wrong with people!!!
yo im being serious i talk to the guy that was selling all of them hes gonna sell me a yamaha raptor for cheap but if it dont have the title where not getting it
Jrod, do you still have the contact info for that dude with the 3 shees, and raptor, etc??

maybe an email or something?? Let me know ASAP, thx...
yo guys i called the guy i feel like an ass hole hes rich as heck and they all have titles he sent them to me throw a txt message and sorry for the that lost it and i just found out that the guy works right next to my friends dad he my friends dad said hes a straight shooter lol >:(
yo guys i called the guy i feel like an ass hole hes rich as heck and they all have titles he sent them to me throw a txt message and sorry for the that lost it and i just found out that the guy works right next to my friends dad he my friends dad said hes a straight shooter lol >:(

In his original posting he claimed he only had the title for 1 of the 3...