stickers on the rebuild


New Member
Feb 24, 2008
forsyth county, GA
so i out the stickes on the rebuild that i got in the mail.. all the parts for the build are on the way. engine is suppose to be here today.




I don't like that idea. And for the guy doing the rebuild I wouldn't reccomend getting vinyl from walmart or a fabric store, thats what I did, it was a biotch.
so i got my engine and guess what the whole motha f****er is apart when the guy on here told me i only hade to put top-end gaskets on and put the cylinder on. ahole no wonder he told me 200 shipped oh well i can put it together
well just throwing in mmy 2 cents..i would recommend painting both sides of ur rims and r those plastics painted or r they real black do yall get these of a website??
Who did you buy the engine from???? Also, I re-covered my own seat and I think it looks sick. It was a little work but much cheaper than buying one and then having somebody else put it on it.

Keep the pics of the rebuild coming!
i did my seat with some vinyl from walmart an it wasnt that bad it only cost me 3 bucks so i figure if you mess it up who cares its only 3 bucks i lose that much change in a day
well just throwing in mmy 2 cents..i would recommend painting both sides of ur rims and r those plastics painted or r they real black do yall get these of a website??

i painted the plastics. and yea i know i need to paint the other side. go to "free manufature decals" in off topic the stickied one and it tells you how to get the stickers
Who did you buy the engine from???? Also, I re-covered my own seat and I think it looks sick. It was a little work but much cheaper than buying one and then having somebody else put it on it.

Keep the pics of the rebuild coming!

i got the engine from "tryingtobefast" and now he is saying that he told me that the cases were split when he never did he just said all you need to do is put the top-end on and its good to go what a lie.