starting jet size

Look at the sticky on how to plug chop but one thing I know you didn't mention was changing your plugs out for a fresh one after its warm.

I'd start with a fresh plug if it were me (at less than $2 a piece I change plugs like a I change underwear lol). Get it started and warm. Ride it around real quick and slam it full throttle with the 300 main in. If it blubbers up and doesn't clean out then you know that's way too big. Throw the 290 in. If it isn't blubbery or you aren't sure if its blubbery then continue with your plug chop. While its warm and you have a straight stretch in front of you, turn quad off and put a brand new plug in (should have a plug and tools to change plug in your pocket). If you are trying to find a way to not touch the motor while putting in the new plug because its too hot to touch then you know its warm. Start it up and immediately do your "drag race" style full throttle pull through all the gears and leaving it pinned the whole time until 15 seconds have passed. Pull clutch and kill the motor and let it roll to a stop. Take your brand new plug you only did a 15 second WOT pull with and take it back with you (put the other plug you had for the warm up back in). Once you get back, chop the thread off your WOT pull plug. Inspect the smoke ring on whats left. Take a picture and post it here. People will tell you how it looks.
ok ok so cutting the threads isn't until after ok I was confused on that and I haven't looked at the other thread yet also I was confused how about if I was to kick it and let it warm up a little bit and then gun it or if I was to kick it and gun it as soon as it caught... but what you're saying is do the jetting put a plug in kick it warm it up for a few seconds then put another plug-in and drag racing it so a total of 2 plugs?
Go to carburetor sub-forum in engine forum.
There is a sticky thread titled "How to plug chop" tells you how to do it.
Make sure carb and air filter are clean. And float is set.

Would have thought others would have chimed in by now. Oh well.

Disregard what I said before about the 300 jet. Just do the chop in a normal way.
Pay attention to the directions on how to do it correctly. It is a one time shot on a NEW plug. No idling, letting off for curves. One hard, FULL throttle"drag race" pull. The object is to make the engine work hard. If you don't have quite enough room, drag the brakes a bit.
ya im sap
Look at the sticky on how to plug chop but one thing I know you didn't mention was changing your plugs out for a fresh one after its warm.

I'd start with a fresh plug if it were me (at less than $2 a piece I change plugs like a I change underwear lol). Get it started and warm. Ride it around real quick and slam it full throttle with the 300 main in. If it blubbers up and doesn't clean out then you know that's way too big. Throw the 290 in. If it isn't blubbery or you aren't sure if its blubbery then continue with your plug chop. While its warm and you have a straight stretch in front of you, turn quad off and put a brand new plug in (should have a plug and tools to change plug in your pocket). If you are trying to find a way to not touch the motor while putting in the new plug because its too hot to touch then you know its warm. Start it up and immediately do your "drag race" style full throttle pull through all the gears and leaving it pinned the whole time until 15 seconds have passed. Pull clutch and kill the motor and let it roll to a stop. Take your brand new plug you only did a 15 second WOT pull with and take it back with you (put the other plug you had for the warm up back in). Once you get back, chop the thread off your WOT pull plug. Inspect the smoke ring on whats left. Take a picture and post it here. People will tell you how it looks.
Look at the sticky on how to plug chop but one thing I know you didn't mention was changing your plugs out for a fresh one after its warm.

I'd start with a fresh plug if it were me (at less than $2 a piece I change plugs like a I change underwear lol). Get it started and warm. Ride it around real quick and slam it full throttle with the 300 main in. If it blubbers up and doesn't clean out then you know that's way too big. Throw the 290 in. If it isn't blubbery or you aren't sure if its blubbery then continue with your plug chop. While its warm and you have a straight stretch in front of you, turn quad off and put a brand new plug in (should have a plug and tools to change plug in your pocket). If you are trying to find a way to not touch the motor while putting in the new plug because its too hot to touch then you know its warm. Start it up and immediately do your "drag race" style full throttle pull through all the gears and leaving it pinned the whole time until 15 seconds have passed. Pull clutch and kill the motor and let it roll to a stop. Take your brand new plug you only did a 15 second WOT pull with and take it back with you (put the other plug you had for the warm up back in). Once you get back, chop the thread off your WOT pull plug. Inspect the smoke ring on whats left. Take a picture and post it here. People will tell you how it looks.
Okay I was a little confused on when the plug chop happens after or before but yeah that makes sense.. but what you're saying is a total of 2 plugs clean the carb jet it put it back and kick it let it warm up pull the plug put a new one in as soon as it kicks on gun it pulling clutch kill switch roll to stop pull plug
The first plug is not necessary. I just did when I started messing with my jetting so I have a plug that I knew the history of to do my warm up with. I had a fresh plug for the warm up then I would do my plug chop with a brand new plug then put the other back in and keep using that same plug for future warm ups for the rest of my plug chops I did.
Thank you everybody for what information you guys have been giving me so far it's been very helpful but as of right now I'm waiting to get these Jets and it's so aggravating because it's beautiful out I want to go riding! I will make sure I post as soon as I get the Jets