Okay guys I know it is a lot of questions about getting getting and what kind of pipe n im sry but I just got the FMF jet kit in the mail and the springs and washers I know what to do with the springs but the two washers is 1 for in between the head and the flange and the other for in between the flange and the pipe ? And the second question is the jet kit comes with the needle and for jets I'm sure that I have to change the needle butt it comes with a 2:20 210 350 + 360 I run a Pure Stock blaster now with the Gold Series pipe and silencer uni air filter with no lid what jet should I start with the 2:20 because there is a stage 1 and a stage 2 butt the instructions that came with the kit are kind of hard to understand if you think I need different size jets please let me know thank u