hello, been working on rebuilding my first blaster..it has been bored over .40 has a full fmf exhaust and im running stock airbox with cover..also has vitos 2 stage reeds...my question is what jetting should i go with? it s cold outside as well? it will only run for about 10 seconds before flooding itself out..ive cleaned carb several times and have another carb ive tried and have gotten same results..i dont have a jet kit in yet as far as i know...does anyone know the stock size jets and needle that should be in there? i have 3 carbs, i suspect one may jetted already but will have to check sizes tomm. to see if all 3 are same size or if there is a diff in size....any thoughts on it flooding? is this typical of not being jetted? its been about 35 degrees outside as well.