Somebody give me some blood pressure medicine!

Something that'll really wake this thing up. Probably something in the middle of the field price wise. And would I need the bigger jets AND the rebuild kit in order to get all the new o-rings/gasket or do the jet kits come with all that too? I'm browsing ebay now.
Dave , have you inspected the floats for cracks ? The fuel over the years break down the plastic floats and they can crack and fuel will weep in and play havoc with your tuning , then when you drain the bowl and take it apart you are none the wiser because it's drained back out , take the floats out and immurse them in fuel and see if you get bubbles coming up . It's a easy check that can save a sh*t ton of headaches
/\/\/\ very good point we overlooked so far

and no, jets don't come with the rebuild kit, just a stock 230 one
pick a pipe and other mods, we will get you within a 3-4 jet range

i like this place for individual jets/parts......... Carburetor Parts Warehouse

some folks like jets-r-us .com

i usually just hit my dealership for jets, as i want them now, when needed

edit......... just found this thread further down the list today, it'll give you a good idea of what a lot of us on here is running and the jets they found to work with those mods........
keep us posted, we take your problems as our own, and don't like being defeated !!!!!
Somebody talk me into buying a pipe/silencer for this thing. I'm stumped on which one. I think I like the right bend though. Something pretty and shiney I:I
nuf said.................
Project Blaster - Online Store

one on my bike with tons of mods in my sig....rips from bottom to top!!!!!!

had one on my sons almost stock bike, same results !!!!
(no porting, vf3's, stock jetted carb, uni filter, open airbox)
Before buying a pipe consider where you will ride, how you ride, and at what revs you need power.
There are quite a few good pipes on the market but some of them are built for specific needs. It is a matter of choice, power low down, power midway, power at the top end.

Some pipes will spread the power over a large rev range. You need to check out the makers specifications and buy accordingly.
My choice for MX (because thats what I ride) is DMC Alien, not cosmetically the best looking pipe, or the easiest fitup, but it works like a charm.
Mainly dry trails or open spaces like fields and beaches. I like to go fast and hear that motor scream. All my toys are built to go fast actually.

refer to my above post........ F7,
LRD and Dyno-Port are a good right bends also
Well I installed the Moose Racing carb kit with all new parts except the main jet because it didn't come with it. Main sure the floats were set right. 1.5 turns out on the air mixture screw initially but I think I turned it more after it took quite a few kicks (way more than I thought it would) to finally get it to crank and run but while I had it running turned it back 1.5 turns. It starts with one kick when it's warmed up but on a cold motor it's taking quite a bit more to start. Not sure if that's normal. I have been turning the fuel valve off every night just as a precaution so turning it back on before cranking might have something to do with that? Anyway it's running back like it was that first week I had it. Everything seems fine and hauls ass. Let me know what ya'll think as far as sound and smoke from the pipe.

great to hear all is well !!!!
lemme guess, vid taken with a cell phone ???
they don't really pick up the sound very well, but the slight smoking looks ok
plug chop ????

BTW, sweeeet truck in the backround, we like those kinda pics too !!!!!
Yep with my cell phone. I'm satisfied with the results. Yes I know I need to do a plug chop. I'll do that this weekend and post a pic. I just rode that thing for the last hour and it rips! Not bad for a bike that has been sitting covered with dust for 6 years!
Here's one of my toys, my street rod pick up.

Short video idling..

