So my friends bought me a new set of shades!!!!


Nov 10, 2008
Eastern Iowa

yep thats my stupid ass lol... i actully wanted to test out my new camera on my phone lol.. i know im a sad story cant help it super boring here where i live..
i hear ya fed now that i finally got the stalker out of the picture i have noone to talk to cause my roomate spends his time with his new g/f about 45 mins from here so i never get to talk to him anymore :( lol
hey aric what about these are these more my style


Uh, Breaker One-Nine, this here's the Rubber Duck
You got a copy on me Pig-Pen? C'mon

Uh, yeah 10-4 Pig Pen, fer sure, fer sure
By golly it's clean clear to Flag-Town, C'mon

Uh, yeah, that's a big 10-4 Pig-Pen,
Yeah, we definitely got us the front door good buddy,
Mercy sakes alive, looks like we got us a convoy

Was the dark of the moon, on the sixth of June
In a Kenworth, pullin' logs
Cabover Pete with a reefer on
And a Jimmy haulin' hogs
We 'as headin' fer bear on I-One-Oh
'Bout a mile outta Shaky-Town
I sez Pig-Pen, this here's the Rubber Duck
An' I'm about to put the hammer on down

LOLOLOLOL!! them glasses make me think trucker
nice dude thats pretty creepy i though about gettin ride of the red plastcis an going blue or black since my rear fenders are all zip stripped together lol