So im bored and there isnt a whole lotta action going on so here it goes


New Member
Dec 19, 2010
west virginia
who wants to give me the run through on blasters ive never owned one b4 and ive never dealt with 2 strokes so basically i want blaster 101 for dummies lesson
clean carb, clean air filter, br8es or b8es spark plugs, remove oil injection and premix 32:1 with a good oil, tors delete kit.. get one... drum brakes suck... stock shocks suck.. dg pipes suck, warm motor up before riding, change front sprocket to a 14t, flip front wheels to make it wider, banshee axles are a cheap upgrade for a wider rear end,

porting will make it faster, along with head redesign, well worth the money...
make sure the air filter is clean, change trans fluid often, routine compression/leakdown tests, and keep an eye on plugs, and use a quality premix oil.

those are the basics on maintaining it. not sure what else you need to know lol
blew the main bearings right out of it !!!
i guess i needed a bbk for the piston i tried to run in it ?????????
on the other hand...i got my blaster with the fronts flipped....
i changed them back and i'm leaving them for now. With a stock suspension, stock tires, and tight trails it actually handles better. it's not that unstable either. With them flipped, i got a weird feeling when the rear end was trying to come around, and it wouldn't turn to save its life sometimes. Flip them back the way they supposed to be and it fixed all that. i can hit 3rd gear in spots i couldnt before, just because it turns better without a weird geometry through the front end, on stock parts.
