Snow Riding in South Carolina


New Member
Jan 30, 2010
South Carolina
I was just saying how I was kinda jealous about the snow in Ohio. (My home state). Low and behold, a few days later we got snow in South Cackalaki. Supposed to have several inches by morning. Woot Woot! I'm goin' out to rip donuts in the snow tomorrow. Might not have the chance again for a few years. Anyone else enjoying the powder?
Damn, MINI, looks like you guys were up to 29'' at one point and still have 20" on the ground. No wonder you can't ride. lol And 97blaster, I'm hoping my new jets will be here tomorrow. Some carb tuning is definately on the agenda. Maybe a little of this crap will melt off for you guys up North and you guys can do a little riding.
nathanstone... just wanted to give you props for that 96 blaster you have there I am digging the black with red flames.. your quad looks mean!
Thanks Vermont. I bought the bike a little over a month ago from some kid on craigslist. When I called about it, he just told me it was a '96 and the platics were black and red. I fell in love when I saw her. The paint isn't professional or anything but it's sturdy. Whoever painted it used some kind of sand/texture in the paint and did polyurethane or something over top of it. Almost impossible to scratch which suits my trail riding. :D It's gonna be my beater Blaster and buying a nicer on in the summer.
its hard to find paint that really bonds to plastics... most paint jobs i have seen on plastics will soon chip off shortly after they paint them... that paint job almost looks like it was sold new that way and not rattle canned, looks great!
my brother lives in SC about 30 minutes from the Georgia border and they had an inch last night
I live in NC and we got about 5-6 inches which is alot. But im at my uncles house in south carolina right now in Summerville and its all melted already lol. but I didnt get a chance to ride cause I left at 8 am and had to drive in the damn snow for 200 miles.
we rarely get snow here in western washington , BUT imma be ready for it next time we do , my stock rear wheels and tires are gonna get a cablechain set-up for snow. won't be the best , but will help out . Have fun guys
We got about 4 inches here. I'm about an hour West of Myrtle Beach. I guess this is the first snow they've had in several years. It all melted in less than 24 hours too but at least I got to ride in it. Wish I could take my bike back to Ohio for a few days. I need tires though. If you couldn't tell by my pics, I could probably get hung up on a dog turd with the ones I'm running now. lol