Slop in my a arms


Sep 9, 2009
Layton, UT
So, I have a 1988 blaster I just got running. I was testing my suspension and my a-arms have some slop in them on the upper arm where it bolts to the frame. I see some bushings in there, and it appears its slopping on the bushings.

My question is, can you just buy bushings and take off the a-arms and get the old ones out and get the new ones in? If so hows the best way to do this? I tried searching around and couldnt find much help on it.

Im wanting to get the extended a-arm kit from Diamond so I have a wider stance. Im considering an extended swingarm and some banshee axles too, but for now I want to just get everything the way its supposed to be, no slop, and those bushings I think need to go.

Any help, advise, etc would be appreciated
i got a 88 blaster as well and i rode all day once and as soon as i pulled in my yard, the a-arm fell out of where it connects to the wheel hub. i put it back in and tightened the ish outta it but it didnt fix it
So, does anyone have a writeup or any information on how to change these things? Like, where the zerk fittings are what kind of grease to use, or any special method to get the old ones out (some people just torch them out then freeze the new bushings so they go in easier)

Any info on how to change these things when I get them would be appreciated.
Just take the a arm bolts off that attach to the frame and pull out what remains of the old bushing then put new bushing it. Use some type of axle grease. The stuff comes in tubes usually.
As long as its just straight forward to get old ones out and new ones in Ill be fine.

Sometimes bushings are in there good, and you gotta like... torch them out, then freeze the new ones so they slide in easier.

I can do anything on a car. Im just learning quads (much more simple, but also like to cover all my bases before I begin something)
Is it easier to take EVERYTHING apart seperate, or to just pull off the wheel, then undo the brakes and tierod and disconnect the shock then leave the a arms attached at the hub, or to just undo everything?
You should be able to unbolt just the a arms from the frame and slide the a arms out enough to replace the bushings. There is no need to disassemble the entire front suspension.
i would start with the top or the bottom just so one side at a time the should just pop right out the only thing that can be a pain is if the bolts rusted to the collar that runs threw there so make sure u have a long skiny puch on hand or a nother bolt thats skiny and long enoght to pound them out prity easy if the bolts not stuck good luck man.