Sled Carnage Pics


New Member
Apr 22, 2010
Smithville, ON, Canada
So we were riding sleds for the last time of the season, a good 25 people came out.


We were riding at a decent pace, my friend's dad was riding their arctic cat 1000, slowed down to fix his glove, pinned it to catch up to us, doing about 100mph, didn't see a big drift everyone was avoiding, got thrown in a corkscrew in the air, the heavy front dropped and caught the ground and it rolled front over back for about 200 meters. He broke 4 ribs, knocked out some teeth, bloody nose, concussion, and some other little things I didn't hear about.


We're going to part it out, try to get some of the $7000 spent back.
Where did this happen? I saw a cat that looked exactly like that on hawk lake a few weekends ago right in front of my cottage. Didn't see it crash but saw it afterwords and it looked very similar.
thankfully your dad is ok, is 100mph the top speed?

i bet that sled could do more than 100 my 440, 550, and 570 all do about 80mph

and man thats bad!! hope he get better. my one friends sled caught on fire for some reason in canada 300 miles form his trailer. that sled is nothing but ash now lol
@musselman: It wasn't that long ago, but I guess they're too powerful for the riders then

@slickerthanyou: no he was flung off it when it first hit the ground and he was thrown about 100 meters. I just heard what sounded like bombs going off behind me (heard it over my sled) and some parts flew across the trail in a cloud of snow.

@Paulie B: Thanks, hes doing alright now, just pissed about the loss

@0_o: Thanks, it was my friends' dad, but no, it will go a lot faster, the speedo was around 100mph when he hit the drift.

@88' Blaster: Thanks, and that sucks, I've never seen it happen, but if the motor blows out hard enough it will burn itself to the ground.
Wow Scary stuff ! I dont think I want to do anything over 60 or 70 on the snow.. could have been worse I guess be careful you all