skid plats

i used a stop sign before for a frame skid, lasted for a few years, but the swinger skid takes way more abuse, stock is the only ones that last for me, heavy rocks 'round here
i used u-bolts facing upwards on my old '96, back in the day,
now i use the flatest head 1/4-20 bolt i can find, and 3/4" conduit staps on top, to hook the frame, 2 on the sides, and 2 in back
in the front, try to leave it long enuf, to have a slight bend, and mount under the bottom 2 bumper bolts < that also assures it won't hook on anything while riding
use these coduient(sp?) pipe hanges from home depot
i made mine out of signs, that i "found"
i also this last time (yeah, i've over abused a few)
glued pieces of 2" rubber hose to the bottom of the frame in about 6 spots, to help absorb any hard blows, and it keeps the skid from rubbing dirt thru the paint and rusting, it also helps when flushing the dirt and debris out when cleaning
i cut the hose length wise in half , then 2" long, and used "goop" to glue them on, 1 each where the clamps go