
Simple! Just click "Quote" on whatever post you want to quote, and copy the code it comes up with. With the code copied, go to User CP and click on Edit Signature. Now paste the code in there. I:I
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Or, if you can't figuire that out, just copy the quote that was written, open up "User Control Panel", then "Edit Signature". Then, paste in the text, and put these codes in:

Before the Quote, type in this:
username said:
(enter the username that you are quoting)

At the end of the text, type in this: [/quote ]
But remove the spaces between the end brackets and the text, I added a space so the text wouldn't show up as a quote.

Something like this should show up:

BigBoyBlaster said:
This is an example of a quote
Or, if you can't figuire that out, just copy the quote that was written, open up "User Control Panel", then "Edit Signature". Then, paste in the text, and put these codes in:

Before the Quote, type in this:
username said:
(enter the username that you are quoting)

At the end of the text, type in this: [/quote ]
But remove the spaces between the end brackets and the text, I added a space so the text wouldn't show up as a quote.

Something like this should show up:

thank i got it.