Shuts off out of no where

Providing the jug is within specs and not scored, you may be able to get away with a hone and a new set of rings.

I do not like your chances though, running a FMF with a #230 main jet spells new piston and rebore to me.
Wont a faulty throtle cable or if its out of adustment ingage the TORS and kills ignition and shuts the bike down.You said it died an idle?
Also your main should not have a huge impact on dieing at an idle.That would be your slow jet or idle jet.If its a fuel problem it will not just shut off.It will either load up and start to bog or rpms will slightly decrease or it will raise in rpm a bit or lean out then die.
I am curiouse because my factory carb had a 230 or 240 main with an fmf fatty pipe that was jetted by the p/o.I had no issues but in any case do you have pic of your plug or a pic of a plug chop just out of curiosity.Its very possible the p/o may have drilled the jet because every one seems to be running a much larger jet size.Just out of curiosity.I was running a richer and shorter needle off a shee.Not sure how much difference this makes.But in any case the plug will tell you if your running rich or lean for sure.
With 85 psi, it is a wonder that is starts, let alone idles..

I can not remember if I said before, but take the pipe off and look up the exhaust port for piston/ring damage, the lack of compression could be due to a fried piston caused by a lean mix from the #230 jet.
85 is low I agree time for rebuild..
No pun on the 230 blaaster I am just curiouse because I ran that in mine for over 10 years and mine is not blown but I am curiouse to see what his plug looks like just out of curiosity for my self.
Southeast Texas, right at the coast.

Oil injection, though im going to pre mix after.

Tors is disconected.

I already took it apart and it don't look scored or nuthin. Looks fine hence why i asked if i could re ring. I took pics also if yall want to see'm.



Here yall go.
Whats the plug look like...If I may ask.
Also did you disconect the tors switch in the throttle lever.You can bend the tab so it dont engage the switch.

Idk as far as just putting new rings on it.I guess if your on a tight budget you could get away with it.But its allway best to just replace warn parts just for better peice of mind.Piston rings rod bearing.And you half to hone the bore out to seat the new rings or the rebuild is pointless.
You cant get the ring gaps wrong, there are locating pins in the piston grooves.

From what I see in the pics you may get away with new rings and a hone.

You do need to get it measured however, to make sure it is not worn and still within specs.