should i paint....

paint, polish, or leave it?

  • leave it alone!! its dead sexay the way it is!

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Jan 5, 2009
fond du lac wi
the frame behind the bumper black to make the jaws pop out at you more?

paint the bars from the bumper to the frame black to make it pop out more?

or leave it the way it is??

or leave bars to frame the way they are.. leave frame the way it is.. and polish the bumper ( not the mount bars). to a mirror like finish like my rear rims??



thats what im thinkin my colors are black and silver.. and id like to add some red to it.. ether flames or skulls or iron cross's.. im just at aloss for what i should to.. thought polishing the bumper than mirror polishing the teeth on it would looks sick though
dont need clear on polished rims... ya just polish them now and then.. 0000 or 000000 steel wool with some alum polish works great for quick touch ups and cleaning them up, and keeping 'the shine on'
I'm not sure what i would do. Paint the teeth white and add some blood effects with red paint would be sweet to make it stand out.