Shift problem - help


New Member
Jan 23, 2016
OK, new to the forum, any help would be appreciated. Rebuilt the top end of my blaster. the old piston blew into peices and locked up the kickstart. I cleaned out the metal shards and I put everything back together. Put on a new clutch cable also which seems a little tight but seems to work. When I start the bike it idols fine but when I try to shift into first it doesn't seem to do anything. At one point, it seemed to half engage? It rolled slowly forward but I couldn't shift into another gear. How do I diagnose what the problem is and how would I go about fixing it.
How did you clean out the piston pieces? Did you split the cases? If not, I am willing to bet there are still pieces in there, & they may have damaged the transmission. Time for a bottom end rebuild.
How did you clean out the piston pieces? Did you split the cases? If not, I am willing to bet there are still pieces in there, & they may have damaged the transmission. Time for a bottom end rebuild.

Absolutely impossible for piston fragments to get into Transmission without blowing a hole between the crank añd trans first.
More info is needed tho. Did you split the cases to clean it? If so, you made an assembly mistake.
I did not split the case, I picked the pieces out with tweezers and flushed with oil several times. Should I have split the cases. I've never touched the bottom end.
Well at this point it seems like a external shift mechanism problem. Presuming it shifted before it blew up? And only thing you did was new cable? Is there oil in trans? Part of your description sounds like the clutch isn't ENgageing. This is all with the engine running?