Shift Lever Problom


New Member
Jul 5, 2012
East Haven,Ct
now my shift lever feels like loose like up and down it shifts into gears and still runs and rides i stalled it out when i was trying to turn around on a trail i feel like its stuck in gear and i cant seem to find neutral the lever is like hanging down farther then it shouold be what is is and how can i fix it
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looks like your spring broke!!!
its should look like this under your cover...


im thinking either the spring on the arm broke or came off or your bolt is way loose!
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ok, look at it now. both of those springs control the shift lever. there might be a problem where it might have broke one or the other. when you pull the clutch cover off everything SHOULD look like it does in the pic. there might be an internal problem also but rarely do these blaster transmissions go to hell. check under the cover first... let us know what you find...great job with the vid, VERY helpful!!!!!!!!!!
do you have the Blaster Manual??? Manual&jsonp=vglnk_jsonp_13424562536233
i just bought the quad thursday of last week and the guy built the whole bike like a week before i picked it up the bike still starts runs and everything with it like that its just like down to far and very loose i was riding and i stalled it in 2nd then turned it back on thought it was stuck in gear so i accedently shoved it down
I do not believe it its the clutch at all! I have been wrong before, But that really looks like the shift start is loose, the wheel that rides on the star is loose, or a broken spring, we will need a pic of the inside if possible when you get the clutch cover off.

OH BTW- no need for two threads.