Shaving fenders



Is there a tutorial somewhere that will tell me what to do to shave my fenders and make them look like race fenders? I dont want to just hack away on it without knowing what im doing lol. Anyone have pics of thier shaved fenders?
Just go with a marker and get the shape you want. Then start cutting away the plastic until you get it where you want it.
yeah just draw your pattern with a marker, then cut it with a jig saw, but use a fine blade, my fenders turned out so good with the jig saw. And dont screw up. Sorry i dont have updated pice of my blaster yet
Shaved fenders can look good if you take your time.
Where do you ride?
I have heard a TON of complaints that rocks and ANYTHING you ride on are thrown up at you a sting.
If you really want to look cool, get a 12 deck tape player installed. Nice :)
lbwd said:
Where do you ride?
I have heard a TON of complaints that rocks and ANYTHING you ride on are thrown up at you a sting.
If you really want to look cool, get a 12 deck tape player installed. Nice :)
lmao :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :D

I don't get hit by rocks
yeah my friends warrior has almost no fenders because he cut too much, and it does not hurt at all and you can keep an eye on the tries so you don't hit anything.