So I guess someone pulled a hit and run on me while I was in 7th period class... Shattered my right blinker light cover to sh*t.. Thanks sh*tty drivers.. You costed me some gas, some anger, and $2.75. I love you.
damn that sucks. Today one of my friends cars was backed into or something during school and it busted the light out and dented the bumper and sh*t. He was pissed.
find out who it is lift ur jeep put bigger tires and wheels on crush his/her car!!! revenge ohh and this time leave a note i didn't see u parked there........
I wouldn't have actually, I would have left a note saying I would have replaced it.. I actually got my replacement one from a local junkyard.. That's exactly what I would have done if I had ever done that, which I won't because I don't FAIL at driving.. Lol.