So if any of you know, my birthday was the most recent Friday. For my birthday I went to Florence Oregon with my brother to go riding in the dunes. So we get to our campsite, unload the bikes, pitch the tent, and go riding. No more than 10 minutes of us riding my bike stops out of nowhere and it seized up... I look at my exhaust clamp and it's bubbling because of how bad it overheated.. So my brother goes back to camp on his banshee and comes back and tows me to camp.. I tear the whole top end down and find out that I didn't blow my top end, but theres is score marks on my cylinder wall.. So what I do is instead of the 125 main jet i had it in it origionally, i put in the 160 that i have spare and go riding to the beach. Once i get to the beach and stop and look for a bit, i don't have enough compression to start my bike.. Keep in mind this was all the day BEFORE my 18th birthday... So my brother hooks me up and tows me back 2 and a half miles with his banshee back to camp.. I go lay down in the tent and go back to sleep.. Friday comes along, happy birthday to me.. We decided to say f*ck it and leave for home.. There goes my awesome 18th birthday plans... 8 hour drive there just to find out that i need to have my cylinder bored and honed and I need a new piston... There's another $250 right there... Story of my life...