Either way I don't see a problem , If he cornered her , forced himself on her against her will , then it's a crime , if she was willing , and went out of her way to make her 50% of it happen , then no harm no foul . IMO . Would I want my daughter ( yes I have a 8 yr old ) when she's 15 , 16 , 17 , putting herself in that situation , hell no , she's being raised to know thats innappropriate , but kids will be kids and test the waters , its life .
Total double standard when its a female teacher too , everyguy has that fantasy , some make it happen , does it make it anymore right or wrong? no its the same . It boils down to hormones , lust , gets us everytime it seems , If they were in love , then he could have waited 2 years , and so could she . Should the Teacher have been fired? if it is agaisnt school policy to have a physical relationship with a student, and the grounds for that is termination , then yes I agree with him being fired . but if the relationship was kept out of the school and only pursued on their own personal time ( off the clock / week-ends ) then I wouldn't agree with him ( or if it was a her ) being fired .
thats my .02