Selling a Product

Uuhnt, welcome bro, these guys are just playin between themselves, nothing aimed towards you, a little humor to break up all this cabin fever we're all havin, pay the $10 for a membership, and get your products ready, we're always up for some new idea's
well...... blasters DO have a THROTTLE limter screw to adjust how much throttle you want you kids to have... so yamaha beat ya to it lol

True that , but my design is based on elastic return density control , it allows the throttle curve to mimic wot and ct and brings on tc at maximum velocity .
so you see , harldy a factory ability there with a mere " screw "
You guys are funny ! lol Now Imaall curious what your gonna sell... Become a supporting member bro its very much worth the 10 bucks and it helps keep the site running :)