seized motor but not what you think


Apr 25, 2010
3000ft above sea level, 70-85F
ok.... it was a little cooler today so i decided to go riding. made a couple adjustments to the blaster, started it, warmed it up then loaded it in to the truck to leave. get out there and unload everything, start the bike. and get my gear on. so i go to sit on the blater and just about to take off when CLUNK! engine dies:-/......... go to push the kick start, its locked in position......... Ahhhh damb it! so first thing that comes to mind is that the piston skirt broke off into the crank and froze everything up but im out in the hills and cant take everything apart to check. back into the truck and back home. i only had about an hour an a half to check what went wrong. pulled the reed cage and saw the piston skirt still in one peice, so now im thinking that the piston had seized in the cylinder, so off with the cylinder. piston looked fine, so now im thinking it has to be in the bottom end?? but crank looked ok?? maybe something in the clutch case. off with the clutch cover but every thing looked ok. so maybe the tranny..... damb it this sucks im going to have to split the cases AGAINX(..... but just to be sure ill check the flywheel. BINGO what happed was one or more of the magnet skrews came loose and got wedged beween the flywheel and the case and stopped every thing from moving. ill pull it tomorrow to see exactly what is damaged, but i would have never guessed. i know alot of reading but im not making you read it:)
I've seen that a couple of times. Check the engine mounts and make sure they're not cracked and they're tight. Also make sure the balancer is lined up. Vibration can cause the screws to back out.
the engine mounts are tight, and the balancer is all good. i think that its been taken apart before by the previous owner, the skrews have marks like someone used too small of a skrew driver. im going to try to reuse the flywheel and match the broken skrew at a hardware store. im also going to check the rest of the skrews
we are all talking about the same screws right? the ones in the flywheel. not the ones that hold the stator in. and yeah i got lucky. it put a dent in the case and put a good scrap in the flywheel but it could have been worse.