Search needs fixed!! Allow 3 letter words!!

Should the search be changed to allow 3 letter words to be searchable?

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The search feature needs to be fixed! It is so hard to find stuff and narrow results when your not allowed to use 3 letter words. Some common important 3 letter words are: oil, big bore kit, rim, mod, atv, gas, hub, etc, etc.... Many more, thats just to give you an idea.

I bet everyone on this forum has been bothered by this, and I thought if I made a post about it, and there were alot of replies with people agreeing, then maybe the mods would change it and allow it.

Just my 2 cents, what do you guys think?
Why is this even a poll question? The answers seems so obvious. Make the search function easier to use. All there is is benefits and no drawbacks to changing the search to 3 letters
Why is this even a poll question? The answers seems so obvious. Make the search function easier to use. All there is is benefits and no drawbacks to changing the search to 3 letters

There is actually one huge drawback with this. The smaller this number of letters in a search, the larger search index, and conversely database is going to be. Smaller words take longer to search for as they are more common. All this puts a will put a huge load on the server.

I do have an idea of how to fix this problem without any drawbacks and as soon as I free up with other things, I will make the necessary changes.
one way around this is to use google to search for whatever you are looking for. it should pull up any pages within this forum that corresponds to your search even if they are 3 letter words.
thats sad that we would ahve to go to google over this site when it would been easier just to search here and get it done
You can use the * wildcard to search for kit and big like so: big* kit*. Still not recommended due to server loading...What another forum I am on did was create an ongoing thread to decide popular 3 letter searches. I assume the admin then manually created exceptions to allow these particular words to be searched.