i am in basketball, i'm a great player, but our coach is a retard, u know what we practice, jumpropeing and running, thats it, what the heck, what r we gonna use jump roping for, he insults us, says we suck, tells the other teams they're much better than us, today we had a game with another coach, kicked that schools but, but still lost, why, cause of the gay refferys( no offence to any refs out there.) the friggin retards kept calling everyhthing a foul on us and letting the oher team shoot 2, then when we get blatently fouled they just ignore it, we got a couple fould but they always made us take it out at half court, no shots, i had this fatttttttt!!! som-gun come up and like lay on my back trying to get the ball, and no foul, i friggin just threw him on his butt, then he picks up my buddy and throws him down on the court, no kiddin, no fould, this is so retarted, its like this at every games, and i can't express how retarted our coiach is, how many of u are annoyed at sme sports refs/coaches or whatever in ur school??????