school sports, sucky coaches!!!!


Apr 12, 2009
northwest Indiana
i am in basketball, i'm a great player, but our coach is a retard, u know what we practice, jumpropeing and running, thats it, what the heck, what r we gonna use jump roping for, he insults us, says we suck, tells the other teams they're much better than us, today we had a game with another coach, kicked that schools but, but still lost, why, cause of the gay refferys( no offence to any refs out there.) the friggin retards kept calling everyhthing a foul on us and letting the oher team shoot 2, then when we get blatently fouled they just ignore it, we got a couple fould but they always made us take it out at half court, no shots, i had this fatttttttt!!! som-gun come up and like lay on my back trying to get the ball, and no foul, i friggin just threw him on his butt, then he picks up my buddy and throws him down on the court, no kiddin, no fould, this is so retarted, its like this at every games, and i can't express how retarted our coiach is, how many of u are annoyed at sme sports refs/coaches or whatever in ur school??????
He may not be the most smartest guy but you should just follow what he says one because hes an adult and 2nd he played as a kid and he has a reson for his drills, running and jumprope are build up good inderance for running,jumping so its very inportant
he is a jerk though, he constantly tell us we suck, and he never practices with us, he tell the 6th grade team that they're better, its so gay.
i am in basketball, i'm a great player, but our coach is a retard, u know what we practice, jumpropeing and running, thats it, what the heck, what r we gonna use jump roping for, he insults us, says we suck, tells the other teams they're much better than us, today we had a game with another coach, kicked that schools but, but still lost, why, cause of the gay refferys( no offence to any refs out there.) the friggin retards kept calling everyhthing a foul on us and letting the oher team shoot 2, then when we get blatently fouled they just ignore it, we got a couple fould but they always made us take it out at half court, no shots, i had this fatttttttt!!! Som-gun come up and like lay on my back trying to get the ball, and no foul, i friggin just threw him on his butt, then he picks up my buddy and throws him down on the court, no kiddin, no fould, this is so retarted, its like this at every games, and i can't express how retarted our coiach is, how many of u are annoyed at sme sports refs/coaches or whatever in ur school??????

my brain hurts from trying to read this!!!
my soccer coach always told us we sucked to try and motivate us to prove him wrong... didn't work. And i was by far the best goalie we had and senior year he put me on the JV roaster and only let me play 15mins in preseason games to try and make me work harder which really pissed me off and I almost quit b/c of it.
he also plays in our practice games at practice, and the team hes on always wins, then if they don't win, or if i block him, he gets angry and makes us sdo tons or running and push ups again, if we don't know our plays cause we have practiced them once!!!!! we get pushups and running, he never practiced with us anymore, he has makde us practice thhe plays and shooting once, no wonder we lose!!!!!
we had a kid quit cause of this coach telling him to do 100 pushups, situps, run 100 laps, touch the net 500 times, and do 50 suicides, the kid just threw his jersey at coach and quit
LOL.... But i feel your pain well not really cause i didnt even make the basketball team and the scrubbs that did made it i'm better than over half of them its so much favortism at my school.. but yea even my friends that are on the team says that im better than them and i can prove it.. plus when we did like the last little scrimmage of tryouts i was crossing everybody up people was pullin my arms down and stuff while i was doing layups.. but what i recognized is that the football coach is the basketball coach too so he basically picks all the football players for basketball.
stuff it, well, today he finally apologized, we are gonna play a tourney tomorrow, then next saturday gonna try and win the mid winter champ. title, big thing, we're playing against the 3 teams we have beat, haha they suck.