so the snow pretty much melted. but i still got her out today to burn off old rear tires so i could be ready for offset wheels and new tires... so with front fenders off and wally lights mounted to upper fender brackets(they look pretty dam sick up there too) i load up 90lbs worth of curling barbells(2 45s) in the front bumper and go to town... i was doin fine till i slid back on seat. left front came up... and im slidin off. so i grab clutch (i got twist throttle)and hold on. got her back on all fours and i was sliding sideways. over we went. she tossed me and she rolled... on blacktop. broke throttle cable bent clutch, bars, steering shaft, both front lower a arms(i got the double lean now. like //) busted light, scratched everything all up. and all due to blacktop riding. lol things happen.