rolled her today... kinda ticked


New Member
Nov 27, 2009
cincinnati, ohio
so the snow pretty much melted. but i still got her out today to burn off old rear tires so i could be ready for offset wheels and new tires... so with front fenders off and wally lights mounted to upper fender brackets(they look pretty dam sick up there too) i load up 90lbs worth of curling barbells(2 45s) in the front bumper and go to town... i was doin fine till i slid back on seat. left front came up... and im slidin off. so i grab clutch (i got twist throttle)and hold on. got her back on all fours and i was sliding sideways. over we went. she tossed me and she rolled... on blacktop. broke throttle cable bent clutch, bars, steering shaft, both front lower a arms(i got the double lean now. like //) busted light, scratched everything all up. and all due to blacktop riding. lol things happen.
dont have to have the weight on it make it alot easier and does awesome burnouts. plus bike is pretty much stock. and i dont like being on tank/bars i got twist throttle, too easy to f*ck up. besides that front breaks aint too great. need new cables, but i want to go hydro. and my broke ass cant afford them till after holidays
thats awsome fed lol.... my friend who was watchin that goes is that you i go now thats aric an then hes like wow he kinda looks like you... WTF haha lol
quick question 4cfed did your son pull the hood off of his power wheels so it would go faster. Because that's what my son did he has the exact same one he says it goes faster with no hood. He would probably take the rest off if i would let him
quick question 4cfed did your son pull the hood off of his power wheels so it would go faster. Because that's what my son did he has the exact same one he says it goes faster with no hood. He would probably take the rest off if i would let him

hahaha nope.. my sons power wheels is hoodless due to it being wired 24v :o:o:o:o:o:o

2 car batterys dont fit with a hood on lol

48v was to much and it didnt go anywhere except donuts :-[