Repair Clutch Basket


Feb 12, 2014
Greensburg, Pennsylvania
Hey guys, first off yeah I'm new to the forum, but I've already been reading a lot of threads on here, so I'm not as much of a newb as you may think. Anyway, I'm rebuilding a blaster from the ground up. I have the engine completely torn down (bad rod bearing) and I was inspecting the clutch basket and found that it had play between it and the gear behind it. I know you guys know about such a problem: the rivets wear out and the rest is history. Before you all tell me to buy a billet one and be done with it, I was wondering if anyone had ever tried to repair it? Like drill out the rivets and put in oversized ones or bolts? Anyone?
I have not heard of anyone trying this. The clutch is under extreme loads and would be catastrophic if things came apart.
This is the basket I am running and very happy with it.

So here's what I found after I took the heads off the rivets holding the basket assembly together. The rubber bumpers must be worn down because I can turn the gear either way and see a gap appear between it and the bumpers. I don't think I can buy just those bumpers, so I might try filling the gap with rubber sealant.


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For anyone who gives a rat's butt, I punched out the old rivets holding the basket assembly together. My plan is to run countersunk 5/16-24 bolts into the basket from the side you see in the pictures. I'm pretty confiden aircraft tank sealant should do the trick, but I'm still worried the torque might be too much. Although, if that back plate is tight enough, that in itself could get rid of the lateral movement I had before. I might not even need the sealant. In any event, I'm probably going to get the WHOLE clutch assembly spin balanced. Wish me luck, I'll sure need it.


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thats how the aftermarket baskets mount to the stock gear...countersunk screws with red loc-tite,
but notice the new aftermarket basket comes with a slightly thicker aluminum plate w/ the countersunk holes for the allen screws.

So I tapped the basket for 5/16-24 screws. I ended up using button heads because I have the clearance for them, and I was worried about having to countersink into the basket for the countersunk screws to work. I'm hoping I can get it all together in the next day or two.
I know this is an old thread, but here's the overall results of my fix: There is zero play between the gear and the basket, so the sealant worked perfectly. I know this because I had to take the clutch off this weekend because (here's the bad news) the heads of the bolts rubbed against the shift shaft arm and seized the little C that rotates the drum, so I couldn't change gears. Even though I checked the clearance a billion times, I didn't realize that the shift shaft isn't actually secured by anything, and it can slide out and hit the basket. My plan was to install a new shift shaft, and make a spacer to go in between the shifter lever and the engine case so that the shift shaft can't move out to touch the basket. Any thoughts?