Redoin the blaster.

you had to go and get rid of your old blaster, and now you have to go and F-up another one

lol j/k, nice job, i9m sure this one will look as good as the last

but dammit now i need me something to build, i wish my truck woulda never sh*t the kan so i kouldve gotten that 400ex

i love re-building thi9ngs and makin them look better, i kant leave anything alone

and for the record, after my truck sh*t out i gave to my dad so dont mention rebuilding that
Hahahaha this baby is coming along i need to spray her down with some clear coat maybe tomorrow or the next about to start a full time job hopefully, so you think the blaster is pretty good looking right now??? wait till i get my first couple paychecks...then you'll see a sick ass blaster.
yea my original plan was yellow and black but because of stuff i already got i went yellow and blue, looks good man that yellow is real close to mine, I was gonna put more yello0w on mine but, it was done by a painter who mixed the color himself so matching it would be really iffy and I dont talk to the guy who did it any more. I wish I had done my a-arms and swingarm at the same time. It looks good though man, I like it, cant wait to see it when its done.
I also like the case, My buddy showed me that along time ago he did his whole case, I just did the circle on mine, you can do it with the thumb throttle too.
Also seen the sand paper layin there ,, did you have fun prepping that thing it took me forever to get in all the lil corners, I had mine etch primed also though before primer, Kinda wasted my time on a four wheeler frame, specially since it sat in my barn for about 7 years gettin chips in it, but hey ya know, ketp me busy
scale of 1-10 how hard is it to strip to the frame nd how long does it take? WHAT should i use to paint my plastics?? does anyone think this will look good white frame white rims nd black plastics???
who thinks my blaster will look good with black plastics swing arm nd a arms nd white frame rims nd bearing carrier?
Should look good. Use auto body paint on the plastics, but you may want something heavier for the frame so it doesnt chip as easily.
Thanx again for all the compliments, yes i will deff have more cash coming in so i can get this baby lookin her best an continously bolt them aftermarket parts on.

The color scheme is going to go well together.

As far as stripping your frame took me 2 hours to completely strip mine by myself. i started at 12 noon had her stripped, preped an painted by 5PM the same day. It's very easy.