

New Member
Dec 6, 2008
comber northern ireland
hi im starting to rebuild my blaster every thing apart from the egine im sending it off and i want to know should i be carful in any particular areas?????

many thank s in advance.
everything is breakable nothing more so then the other. just have to be careful. are you boring out the top end replacing pistons. what exactly are you doing with the motor.
if you are uplling the motor apart yourseld. pending on the reasoning. be careful not to mess up your cylinders any more when pulling the head off. you dont want to have to bore more then what you already have.
so are you tearing down the motor or just pulling it from the frame? and sending it off complete?
my best sugestion on the engine, is i know you are sending it off to get bored to a new piston size, but when you get it back it is impairitive that you check to make sure your intake/exhaust ports have been shambered down (filed) if they are not shambered correctly your piston rings will nic them every single tdc/bdc stroke and eventually destroy them and from there your cylinder will lose all compression then be worthless. also when you put your piston rings on the piston, there is and up and a down for both rings. it is important to get those correct. make sure you use the correct tightening pattern and torque on your head bolts. and good luck
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